TalkingDrugs estrena nueva página web
La nueva página web de TalkingDrugs, disponible en 27 idiomas, ofrece un espacio donde compartir historias sobre drogas y políticas de drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
Suscríbase a las Alertas mensuales del IDPC para recibir información sobre cuestiones relacionadas con políticas sobre drogas.
TalkingDrugs has been re-designed for a more engaging and accessible experience. The website, which was re-launched today, is available in 27 languages and provides a space for people to share stories about drugs and drug policy. The website receives in the region of 70,000 visitors a month from around the Globe and is a great tool for reaching the public on issues related to drug policy and harm reduction.
The new website provides a number of opportunities for our colleagues working in the field, through:
- The promotion of other drug policy NGOs by linking directly to their organisations, their reports and/ or their campaigns
- The development of an 'Activism & Advocacy' section which will encourage those accessing TalkingDrugs to get involved and support drug policy reform through the work of partner NGOs
- The new blog space where colleagues in the field can promote their own work and link to their website. Check out IDPC's blog to see how the blog works.
If you are interested in promoting your work through the website please contact
TalkingDrugs is a Release project. Release is the UK's centre of expertise on drugs, the law and human rights.
Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
- Derechos de los pueblos indígenas
- Convenciones de la ONU sobre drogas
- Prisión y encarcelamiento
- Derechos humanos
- Reducción de daños
- Género
- Violencia en relación a las drogas
- Reformas de las leyes sobre drogas
- Prevención del uso de drogas
- Tratamiento a la dependencia a las drogas
- Desarrollo (ODS +)
- Descriminalización
- Fortalecimiento de la comunidad
- Participación de la sociedad civil
- Medios de vida alternativos
- Acceso a medicamentos fiscalizados
- Salud y reducción de daños
- Descriminalización, regulación y reforma
- Desarrollo y medio ambiente
- Violencia, acción policial y castigo
- Derechos humanos y justicia social
- 2016 UNGASS