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7 mayo 2013

Pasta base de cocaína

El consumo de pasta básica de cocaína comenzó en Perú hace 40 años y en la última década se ha expandido por la región causando, debido a su adulteración química, altos grados de dependiencia.
29 abril 2013
Leyes de drogas en Europa: características principales y aspectos comparativos

Leyes de drogas en Europa: características principales y aspectos comparativos

Este libro ofrece una comparación entre las leyes de la mayoría de países europeos con respecto al uso ilegal de drogas y las actividades de tráfico, y pone de relieve los diferentes resultados de las leyes italianas y portuguesas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo. Suscríbase a las Alertas mensuales del IDPC para recibir información sobre cuestiones relacionadas con políticas sobre drogas. By Ventura E., Rossi C. The book is divided into three parts: part one is a comparison between the laws of most European countries regarding illegal drug use; part two is a more in depth comparison between Italian and Portuguese laws aimed at highlighting how apparently similar regulations are in fact quite different and have completely different outcomes. Part three presents a comparison, by Brendan Hughes, of penalties for trafficking in some legislations of EU countries based on data from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. The study of the various laws that are applied in different countries has allowed us to identify their strengths and weaknesses and verify their effectiveness. This analysis, in fact, has demonstrated that some regulations are more efficient than others because they employ a comprehensive approach to the problem of illegal drug use and are not limited to only one aspect, such as sanctions or merely procedural aspects. This book was published as results of the European Project "New Methodological tools for policy and programme evaluation". Click here to read the full publication (restricted access) Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.