IDPC Publications

A key role and added value of IDPC is the production of policy analysis for a broad range of audiences including academia, civil society and policy makers. The majority of these publications are collaborations with members and partners, and are translated into multiple languages to support and facilitate advocacy.

Results 337 to 348 of 468
17 June 2012
Modernising the global drug control system. Can Europe lead - A civil society perspective

Modernising the global drug control system. Can Europe lead - A civil society perspective

The session focused on the conclusions of the report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and its implication for Europe. The discussions touched upon issues related to the willingness of the EU to engage in meaningful debate around drug policy reform and harm reduction, and strategies that could be implemented to encourage more leadership among EU institutions.
31 May 2012
IDPC Progress Report 2011-2012

IDPC Progress Report 2011-2012

This annual Progress Report offers information about the main activities implemented by IDPC during 2011 and 2012 and highlights our main achievements this year in terms of national and international advocacy, communications and publication of multilingual documentation.
25 March 2012
Drug policy reform – From evidence to practice: Session report

Drug policy reform – From evidence to practice: Session report

The last of the series of Correlation Conferences, entitled ‘Getting out of the margins – Changing realities and making the difference’, took place from 12th to 14th December 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This report is an account of the discussions that took place during the final session of the Conference, ‘Drug policy reform – From evidence to practice’.
15 March 2012
IDPC Drug Policy Guide

IDPC Drug Policy Guide

Welcome to the second edition of the IDPC Drug Policy Guide. The Guide brings together global evidence and examples of best practice to provide guidance on the review, design and implementation of national drug policies.