The Organization of American States (OAS), in a collaborative effort with the National Association of Drug Court professionals (NADCP), brought together this week in Nashville, United States, 80 professionals from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico and Panama to receive practical training on setting up and managing drug treatment courts (DTCs).
14 harm reduction and drug policy activists were trained in Budapest by the HCLU. We wish our partner trainees successful use of their newly acquired video advocacy skills in their struggle for human rights and humane drug policies!
We are very excited to introduce a map of the Universe of Drugs. An effort by Espolea to better inform new generations of drug users who require navigation directions regarding psychoactive substances.
The pilot project to have state-run hash and marijuana dispensaries in Copenhagen received a setback after the Justice Ministry turned down the City Council's request to experiment with regulating cannabis in the city.
The Program Coordinator, in collaboration with the General Coordinator and the Medical Coordinator will be in charge of the implementation of the MDM harm reduction programme in Kenya
The Communications Volunteer will enhance enhance IDPC’s visibility by supporting a comprehensive communication strategy, as well as contribute to the smooth running of the work of the IDPC Secretariat through providing administrative and research support.
The Senior Policy and Operations Manager will contribute to the strengthening of our secretariat operations and lead on the development of IDPC’s policy and advocacy work with a specific focus on health and HIV issues. Please apply by 5th June 2012!
The HCLU, together with Mito, a Budapest-based communication agency, created an online computer game to educate the public about the consequences of the global war on drugs and raise awareness on the Count the Costs! campaign.
Recently, a healthy and necessary debate on drugs has taken place in Chile. Little by little, we see more solid, evidence-based arguments, discussions that leave taboos and moral barriers aside, presentations of transverse positions, and the participation of a diversity of actors, including former heads of state, parliamentarians, academics, experts, consumers, and civil society representatives.
Vinte e cinco candidatos, entre empresas e profissionais de comunicação, de todo o Brasil se inscreveram para participar do concurso que o Viva Rio promoveu para selecionar a melhor proposta de campanha para mudar a legislação sobre a política de drogas no país.
Twenty five candidates, including advertising agencies and communication professionals from all across Brazil, signed up for a competition organized by Viva Rio to select the best idea for a campaign that could change the legislation on drug policies in the country.