Updates from the 6th Adriatic Drug Addiction Treatment Conference


Updates from the 6th Adriatic Drug Addiction Treatment Conference

8 July 2012

The 6th Adtiatic Drug Addiction Treatment Conference and the 8th SEEA Net (South Eastern European and Adriatic Addiction Treatment Network) Symposium on Addictive Behaviours, took place on 21st to 23rd June 2012 in Tirana, Albania. The conference was organised in collaboration with Aksion Plus.

The conference was a very important and useful meeting that was attended by professionals, care providers and policy makers from across South East Europe.

The main conference topics were treatment of young drug users, patients with comorbidity and cooperation with existent drug prevention and treatment services, medical, social and other services and NGOs in the region, treatment of Hepatitis C, different praxis through the region, and treatment in custodial settings.

The SEEA Conference was officially oppened by the Chair of the Parliament of Albania, Mrs. Jozefina Topalli, representatives from the Pompidou Group, EMCDDA and other prominent personalities.

For more info please visit the SEEANet website.

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