
Plus de 140 groupes appellent le Président Obama et les dirigeants méso-américains à s'attaquer aux causes profondes de la violence lors du Sommet du Système d’Intégration d’Amérique Centrale (SICA)

10 mai 2013

La lettre envoyée par 145 organisations à Obama et aux leaders méso-américains demande un abandon des politiques de sécurité militarisées qui n’ont pas réussi et ont exacerbé la violence et les violations des droits humains. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Ruth Isabel Robles

As President Obama prepares to sit down for meetings with President Enrique Peña Nieto in Mexico and other fellow elected leaders from the Americas at the Summit of the Central American Integration System (SICA) in Costa Rica, over 145 civil society organizations from 10 countries throughout the Americas, including the Latin America Working Group, sent a letter to their respective presidents urging them to address their concerns regarding the dire human rights crisis in the region.

Citing an increase in violence and human rights violations, the letter calls for a shift away from the failed militarized security policies which have exacerbated violence and human rights concerns in the region towards policies that address the root causes of violence...

A common practice throughout Latin America has been the use of the armed forces for citizen security tasks, a practice justified as necessary to combat organized crime and drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). However, the undersigned organizations call for a shift away from such policies that promote an inappropriate role for the military in the region, including those supported by the U.S., noting that these policies have played a harmful role and contributed to an increase in human rights abuses perpetrated by security forces.

Read here the full article.

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