Echange d'expériences sur la gestion des biens saisis dans le cadre du trafic de drogues et du blanchiment d'argent
Cette conférence portera sur le rôle des forces de l’ordre et des meilleures pratiques en ce qui concerne la gestion des biens saisis.
Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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This Conference is organized in the framework of the Cooperation Programme between Latin America and the European Union on Drugs Policies (COPOLAD), under the leadership of the National Drug Secretariat (Uruguay), in close in collaboration with the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of Spain (DGPNSD).
This Conference aims to create a space for information exchange in order to analize and discuss the most important aspects regarding this matter. Special emphasis will be placed on: National Legislation and police and Public Prosecutor's Office roles regarding seizure, precautionary and provisional measures and confiscation; money and other assets seizure, as well as its legal nature and Registration aspects; best practice for managing seized assets and legal tools; computerized systems for registering, informing and managing as well as the importance of international, multilateral and bilateral cooperation in order to locate, recover and confiscate assets.
Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
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