Naloxona para llevar a casa: Mejores prácticas para prevenir las sobredosis mortales por opioides entre personas excarceladas


Naloxona para llevar a casa: Mejores prácticas para prevenir las sobredosis mortales por opioides entre personas excarceladas

29 julio 2019

La organización Forward Trust presenta los logros de su programa de naloxona para llevar a casa entre personas reclusas de 11 cárceles de Inglaterra y Gales. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Every year, Forward empowers over 10,000 prisoners with drug and alcohol problems to break the cycle of crime and addiction and to achieve transformational change – from initial advice, harm minimisation and clinical treatment, to intensive programmes that instil and sustain recovery, and access to networks of support upon release to the community.

Drug-related deaths in England and Wales are at record levels: 3,756 deaths in 2017/18, of which 53% involved an opioid (e.g. heroin) overdose. Death rates among prisoners (especially those on post-release supervision) are many times higher than in the general population. There were 955 deaths of offenders in the community in England and Wales in 2017/18. The few weeks immediately after release from prison is a particularly high-risk period for drug-related death.

In response to these findings, and as part of our commitment to continually improve services and to deliver the best care possible, Forward have instigated a highly-targeted initiative to increase the number of service users being released from prison with Take Home Naloxone (THN), a drug that can save lives by reversing the reduced breathing rate caused by an opioid overdose.