Rusia introduce análisis de drogas en las escuelas


Rusia introduce análisis de drogas en las escuelas

26 junio 2013

El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, ha aprobado una preocupante ley para introducir análisis de drogas en las escuelas. Si los análisis resultan positivos, los jóvenes podrían ser enviados a centros de rehabilitación. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a bill detailing the psychological and medical tests on young people suspected of drug abuse.

The tests would be voluntary and comprise two stages. The first is a written psychological test, followed by medical checks to find traces of illegal drugs in their bodies.

If experts find schoolchildren are using illegal drugs, they would be sent to a rehab centre.

The anti-drug program has already caused controversy – in some places parents were asked to sign their consent but were not told the details of the test.

Read here the full article.

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