Programas de agujas y jeringas en prisión: es posible


Programas de agujas y jeringas en prisión: es posible

21 junio 2013

Este video aboga por que se adopten programas de reducción de daños en las prisiones de la provincia canadiense de Quebec, donde los reclusos padecen un alto nivel de infecciones por VIH y hepatitis C. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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As part of its planning activities for health advocay and harm reduction in prisons, AITQ has produced a DVD to educate managers and stakeholders because the use of drugs by injection is one of the main causes of the increase of blood-borne diseases in the middle of custody:

After describing the problems in detention facilities in Quebec, the video presents the views of areas of public health and public safety have to consider the introduction of a needle exchange programme in the prison of Champ-Dollon in Geneva, Switzerland. The 3.4% of inmates in provincial detention facilities in Quebec are infected with HIV and 18.5% by hepatitis C.

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