Novedades de la campaña de Viva Rio ‘Ley de drogas: es hora de cambiar’


Novedades de la campaña de Viva Rio ‘Ley de drogas: es hora de cambiar’

18 abril 2013

En el marco del objetivo de la campaña, que persigue transformar la manera en que las autoridades brasileñas abordan el tema de las drogas, Viva Rio organizó un seminario destinado a agentes policiales en Rio de Janeiro. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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The campaign won the Grand Prize at Rio de Janeiro’s 2012 Columnist Awards in the integrated media and cases category! The campaign had won the gold trophy in November, thus placing it among the finalists for the Columnist’s Grand Prize. Competing against remarkable advertising proyects, such as “Sex, _______ & Rock’N'Roll (Artplan Communications for Rock In Rio) and “Being Different is Normal “(Giovanni + Draftfcb Agency for the Metasocial Institute), the Drug Law campaign achieved a great victory. To learn more, read the article published on the Viva Rio website.

Moreover, as part of the campaign's desire to transform the way that Brazilian public powers treat the drug issue, we held a seminar for law enforcement officers at the Civil Police Academy Sylvio Earth (ACADEPOL), in Rio de Janeiro. The seminar - “Health and Drug Policy: The Civil Police at the Front of the Debate” - discussed the civil police’s role under Brazil's current drug law and the ways in which a new, reformed drug law could influence the police's stance on the drug issue. In order to get an in-depth perspective on the concepts and themes debated during the seminar, take a look at the article published by the Brazilian Comission on Drugs and Democracy.

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