El precio de la metadona se reduce a la mitad en la prefectura china de Dehong


El precio de la metadona se reduce a la mitad en la prefectura china de Dehong

18 marzo 2013

Los defensores de la metadona en la prefectura china de Dehong han conseguido que el costo de esta medicación se reduzca en un 50 por ciento. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Methadone advocates in China’s Dehong prefecture have successfully advocated for a 50 percent reduction in the cost of the medication. This reduction enables expanded access of methadone to those who were previously unable to afford it.

The price reduction was the result a two-part advocacy process that included a pilot price reduction strategy that demonstrated increased adherence, and direct advocacy with decision makers in charge of the rural insurance scheme. The rural insurance scheme now defrays half the cost of methadone by reimbursing the clinic directly.

For more information on this work, please contact Sarah Evans at the Open Society Foundations: sarah.evans@opensocietyfoundations.org

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