42ª reunión del Comité de Expertos de la OMS en Farmacodependencia.


42ª reunión del Comité de Expertos de la OMS en Farmacodependencia.

28 agosto 2019
World Health Organization (WHO)

El Comité de Expertos de la OMS celebra su 42ª reunión, en octubre, para examinar una breve lista de sustancias, entre las cuales se encuentran algunos análogos del fentanilo y cannabinoides sintéticos. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

WHO Expert Committee meetings are closed to the public, however individuals or representatives of public and private institutions and civil society who wish to present information to committee members on issues related to the meeting agenda are invited to apply to attend the Open Session on Monday, 21st October from 9:00-12:00 at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland .

It is an opportunity for individuals and partners external to the WHO to listen to an update on current and future activities of the ECDD Secretariat, and to provide comment (either in person or through a written statement) on issues on the ECDD agenda. Individuals may participate in the Open Session in several ways:

  • Presenting at the meeting in person
  • Sending a pre-recorded video presentation
  • Sending a written statement for the consideration of the Committee
  • Observing the meeting in person