The Sentencing Project found that more people are sentenced to life in prison in America than there were people in prison serving any sentence in 1970.
The EMCDDA presents the results of the ESCAPE projects which collected and locally disseminated some laboratory-confirmed local data on injected substances and patterns of injection that can help guide local responses.
IDPC reviews developments in relation to incarceration and drug policy in Cambodia, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their specific impacts on women and children.
Correlation and the Pompidou Group outline some of the challenges COVID-19 has posed for harm reduction, highlighting experiences that hint toward sustainable solutions.
International Crisis Group argue for Colombia and the US to reevaluate their use of coercion tactics on farmers as a means to reduce global coca supply.
Stone et al. examine how opioid agonist treatment (OAT) reduces many of the harms associated with opioid dependence, specifically preventable drug-related deaths.