Informed by international case studies, the Scottish government highlights the role of criminalisation in exacerbating harm and undermining health responses, acknowledging the need for a sweeping policy overhaul.
The INCB's annual report reflects both progress and shortcomings in the Board's approach to drug control, further integrating human rights considerations whilst showing a degree of inflexibility in relation to national criminal justice reforms.
The EMCDDA describes the main effects of COVID-19-related restrictions on the drug using population and on the provision and demand for drug services, and their gradual adaptation to the changing situation in countries from the Western Balkan region.
The Economist Intelligence Unit calculates billions in savings were the region to adopt a public health approach that abandoned the criminalisation of people who use drugs.
Based on experiences from dozens of countries across the globe, IDPC outlines key lessons learned from civil society advocacy during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.