
Results 3181 to 3192 of 3785
19 July 2011

Il secondo Libro Bianco sulla legge Fini-Giovanardi

Dopo 5 anni di applicazione della legge 49/2006 Antigone, CNCA, Forum Droghe e La Società della Ragione hanno pubblicato il SECONDO LIBRO BIANCO SULLA LEGGE FINI-GIOVANARDI che contiene l'illustrazione e il commento dei dati sulle conseguenze penali e sulle sanzioni amministrative e i riflessi sull’amministrazione della giustizia e sul carcere delle politiche proibizioniste italiane sulle sostanze.
19 July 2011

2nd “White Book” on effects of 2006 Italian drug law on penal and prisons system (“Fini-Giovanardi law”)

This "White Book" shows that the number of drug offenders among the overall prison population is increasing and the drug legislation may be considered as the main reason for the present overcrowding of Italian prisons; law enforcement is focused on cannabis; therapeutic alternatives to incarceration are dropping; the number of people sanctioned for personal use is in sharp rise. The "White Book" calls for an immediate change in the drug legislation and suggests key reforms.
19 July 2011

The US multi-site adult drug court evaluation

The US Multi-Site Adult Drug Court Evaluation tested whether drug courts reduce drug use, crime, and associated problems; assessed how drug courts work and for whom; examined how changes in participant attitudes and perceptions explain effectiveness; and analysed cost savings.