
Results 3061 to 3072 of 3785
7 December 2011

Count the Costs campaign: Deforestation and pollution

One of the frequently overlooked costs of the war on drugs is its negative impact on the environment – mainly resulting from aerial spraying of drug crops in ecologically sensitive environments such as the Andes and Amazon basin.
4 December 2011

Relatório de Progresso 2011: resposta global VIH/SIDA

O relatório revê os progressos feitos até ao final de 2010 na intensificação do acesso a intervenções do sector da saúde para a prevenção, tratamento, cuidados e apoio do VIH em países de baixo e médio rendimento.
3 December 2011

Informe 2011 sobre la respuesta mundial al VIH/SIDA

El informe presenta los progresos realizados hasta fines de 2010 en la mejora del acceso a las intervenciones en salud para la prevención, el tratamiento y la atención del VIH en países de ingresos bajos y medios.
1 December 2011

Youth RISE video for World AIDS Day

To mark World AIDS Day, Youth RISE has released a short animation video that highlights the vulnerability of young people who use drugs to HIV and solutions for mitigating the spread of HIV among these youth.
1 December 2011

Video Youth RISE para o Dia Mundial da SIDA

Para marcar o Dia Mundial da SIDA, a Youth RISE lançou um pequeno vídeo de animação que realça a vulnerabilidade dos jovens que usam drogas para o VIH e soluções para abrandar a disseminação do VIH entre esses jovens.
29 November 2011

Developing gender-sensitive approaches to HIV prevention among female injecting drug users

The project's goal was to implement the effective harm reduction services for female injecting drug users and improve the quality of female IDUs’ lives, as measured by their own reports. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance adopted an approach that recognized gender roles and gendered socialization in the drug using culture and in the society without reinforcing stereotypes about women or about female IDUs.