Three Italian NGOs, Forum droghe/Fuoriluogo, Antigone, Società della ragione, have recently released a “White Book”, to illustrate the effects of drug legislation on the penal system (from 2006 until 2007).
This paper explains how the cease-fire agreements in Burma came about, and analyses the goals and strategies of the cease-fire groups. It also discusses the weaknesses the groups face in implementing these goals, and the consequences of the cease-fires.
In the Kokang and Wa regions in northern Burma opium bans have ended over a century of poppy cultivation. The bans have had dramatic consequences for local communities.
TNI's submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee on the cocaine trade addresses the myths surrounding the use of the coca left and calls for an evidence-based judgement on its legal status.
The [22]International AIDS Society letter to the CND calls for the inclusion of evidence-based support for harm reduction, and for essential medicines for OST and palliative care into the global frameworks for control of narcotic drugs.
Human Rights Watch and the International Harm Reduction Association prepared this overview to assist country delegations during key debates at the UN High Level Meeting on drugs in March 2009 by showing the extent of support from international agencies and experts for human rights-based approaches to drug policy.
The International AIDS Society letter to the CND calls for the inclusion of evidence-based support for harm reduction, and for essential medicines for OST and palliative care into the global frameworks for control of narcotic drugs.