Publications from IDPC Members

Results 937 to 948 of 1027
10 June 2009

International AIDS Society letter to CND

The [22]International AIDS Society letter to the CND calls for the inclusion of evidence-based support for harm reduction, and for essential medicines for OST and palliative care into the global frameworks for control of narcotic drugs.
10 June 2009

Building Consensus: A Reference Guide to Human Rights and Drug Policy

Human Rights Watch and the International Harm Reduction Association prepared this overview to assist country delegations during key debates at the UN High Level Meeting on drugs in March 2009 by showing the extent of support from international agencies and experts for human rights-based approaches to drug policy.
1 March 2009

TNI / WOLA briefing paper - Pardon for mules in Ecuador

At the end of 2008, about 1,500 persons were released who were in Ecuadorian prisons sentenced for drug trafficking. The measure, known as "pardon for mules,” singled out a specific group of prisoners who were victims of indiscriminate and disproportionate legislation that was in effect for many years.
1 March 2009

IHRA launches harm reduction advocacy tools

In the build-up to the High Level Segment of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna in March 2009, IHRA has launched two advocacy tools to inform government delegations and civil society about the global appeal of - and support for - the harm reduction approach. Please click here for further information.
16 December 2008

Book of Legal Authorities for UNGASS

Many of the debates in Vienna revolve around the consistency of CND policies and decisions with existing UN conventions, declarations and mandates. This resource book gives easy access to the relevant texts, and explains how they can be used to improve the outcome of the review.