This TNI briefing paper sheds light on the methamphetamine market in Southeast Asia and China, including patterns of supply and use. It highlights the urgent need for donors and governments to introduce effective harm reduction measures aimed at ATS users.
This article makes a compelling case for shifting from the current drug control strategy to reduce the horrific violence that has been spreading in Mexico.
Young people met during the III Latin American and I Mexican Drug Policy Conference and agreed on key messages under which to work across the region. This video serves as the first element of a regional advocacy campaign calling for drug policy reform.
This report provides information about the mode of operation of the diverse consumption rooms that have been opened in Germany and analyses the impacts that they have had on risk minimisation, health support, etc.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the advantages and the shortcomings of the different options, based on the Italian experience, as well as their real effectiveness in dealing with the problem.
The study was conducted to explore and better understand issues such as demographic characteristics, family structures and support, social exclusion, sexual and injecting behaviour, and accessibility, knowledge of and availability of services among women who inject drugs in Manipur.
The key messages included in this report from the Correlation Network represent the most important aspects of interventions targeting injecting drug users.
Questo scritto ha lo scopo di esaminare i vantaggi e gli inconvenienti delle due diverse opzioni alla luce dell’esperienza italiana e se queste soluzioni siano davvero in grado di risolvere il problema.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the advantages and the shortcomings of the different options to distinguish drug possession for personal use and supply and trafficking, based on the Italian experience, as well as their real effectiveness in dealing with the problem.
This report describes Ukrainian government policies that make it impossible for cancer patients living in rural areas to get essential pain medications.
This article explains why the 1998 Lebanese drug law has not been fully implemented, and analyses the consequences this has had on people who use drugs.