Australia is known for having successfully kept blood borne viruses and diseases emanating from intravenous drug use to a relatively low level however, Australia has failed to provide NSPs in prisons, despite the prevalence of widespread injecting drug use within correctional systems.
Over the three days of the conference, experts and practitioners from Mauritius, the Indian Ocean and beyond participated in a series of sessions touching on different aspects of Harm Reduction.
This briefing explains the background to the opening of the drug policy debate in Latin America, summarises the most relevant aspects of the ongoing drug law reforms in some countries, and makes a series of recommendations that could help to move the debate forward in a productive manner.
This briefing paper provides an overview of drug consumption rooms from around the world, as well as information on the background, history, objectives and impacts of drug consumption rooms.
This briefing paper looks at specific criteria of proportionality developed in the context of drug control and describes a number of recent attempts to recalibrate the often grossly disproportionate nature of current drug laws and their enforcement around the world.
Youth RISE explores this issue posed by 'legal highs' and identifies important recommendations for how to reduce the harms faced by young people who use them.
This 10-point plan by Penal Reform International aims to assist policy makers and practitioners who wish to tackle overcrowding in a systematic and affordable way, building on relevant international instruments.
Ecco la terza edizione del Libro Bianco di illustrazione e commento dei dati sulle conseguenze penali e sulle sanzioni amministrative della Legge Fini-Giovanardi sulle droghe.
The document concludes that the overcrowding of the Italian prisons is mainly due to the high rates of imprisonment for minor drug crimes, and highlights flaws in data gathering and suggests methodological improvements for a more reliable process of evaluation of the drug legislation.
The HCLU produced 140 online videos in 2011. Each year they make a picture illustrated interactive portfolio which explains their activities and briefly introduces the films. We proudly present the 2011 issue.