Publications from IDPC Members

Results 781 to 792 of 1027
10 June 2012
10-Point plan to address prison overcrowding

10-Point plan to address prison overcrowding

This 10-point plan by Penal Reform International aims to assist policy makers and practitioners who wish to tackle overcrowding in a systematic and affordable way, building on relevant international instruments.
1 June 2012

3° Libro bianco sulla legge FIni-Giovanardi

Ecco la terza edizione del Libro Bianco di illustrazione e commento dei dati sulle conseguenze penali e sulle sanzioni amministrative della Legge Fini-Giovanardi sulle droghe.
30 May 2012
HCLU Film Portfolio 2011

HCLU Film Portfolio 2011

The HCLU produced 140 online videos in 2011. Each year they make a picture illustrated interactive portfolio which explains their activities and briefly introduces the films. We proudly present the 2011 issue.