Coletta A. Youngers, WOLA Senior Fellow, Commentaries about the International Guiding Principles on Alternative Development approved last week at an international meeting in Lima, Peru. She states that this document represents a lost opportunity to promote equitable economic development in some of the world’s poorest regions.
This visit was an opportunity for UHRN representatives to learn more about how these harm reduction services are design and delivered, in order to be able to promote similar initiatives in Uganda.
This report provides information based on visits to two methadone maintenance treatment clinics (MMT clinics), and three syringe exchange sites in china.
During 2012 the Community Action on Harm Reduction project has been fully operational in 5 project countries providing services to people who inject drugs, their families and partners.
Harm reduction measures are needed to tackle the growing HIV epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa, aggravated by an increase in injecting drug users.
Four themes were discussed during the dialogue: the European Union drug policy agenda, cannabis policy reform, the future of the UN drug control conventions and the upcoming 55th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
The brief highlights the intersections between age, gender, and drug use, making the case for why young women who use drugs are particularly vulnerable to HIV and not adequately reached through mainstream health services.