
Results 4681 to 4692 of 5157
2 November 2011

Participate in the Virtual Knowledge Centre Survey!

The VKC contributes to improved knowledge and strengthened operations research capacity for scale up of HIV/OST programmes for people who inject drugs by creating an increased Russian-language evidence base around OST, harm reduction and HIV, as well as specialized documents and training modules relevant to professionals, public health experts, narcologists, students, parliamentarians, NGOs and any other interested and involved parties working in this field in EECA.
2 November 2011

Drug War Shrapnel

This video is a call to help the Indigenous people from the Tayrona culture in Colombia who have been harmed by the fumigation practise, used as a weapon in the War on Drugs.
1 November 2011

Stopping the HIV Epidemic in Russia

HIV in Russia is growing because the government has not addressed HIV transmission in the group where it matters most: intravenous drug users.
1 November 2011

New law regarding the supply of alcohol to minors in Australia

The State Government of Victoria introduced the new law on the 1 November 2011. This law makes it an offence under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 for adults to supply alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 years in a private residence without parental consent. Previously the Act did not apply to private residences. Under the new law, a person who supplies alcohol to a minor without parental consent could face a fine of more than $7,000.
27 October 2011

IDHDP launches new website

IDHDP has just launched a new website with two discussion forums, one for members only and a public one.
25 October 2011

Ecuador to debate decriminalisation

Proposed changes to Ecuador's penal code would decriminalise possession of drugs for personal use, including up to 10 grams of marijuana and hashish, four grams of opium, five grams of cocaine, and 100 milligrams of heroin.
18 October 2011

Como melhorar a abordagem dos usuários de drogas?

Novo curso “Diminuir para somar: capacitação em redução de danos sobre álcool e outras drogas” visa a ajudar os agentes comunitários de saúde a melhorar a abordagem de usuários de drogas e o prosseguimento dos casos.
17 October 2011

Targeting Russia’s neglect of drug users

Despite presiding over one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics in the world, Russia continues to reject proven harm reduction measures, imperilling the lives of one of its most vulnerable populations: injection drug users.