In Uruguay, the consumption of drugs, including marijuana, is not punishable with prison time. Paradoxically, the cultivation of marijuana for personal consumption is a crime, as is the purchase of marijuana.
Celebrated around the world, International Overdose Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of drug overdose and eradicate the stigma attached to drug use
Needle exchanges for injecting drug users and the decriminalization of people who use drugs are the most effective ways of preventing HIV and hepatitis C infections in Thailand, say experts.
This film by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance features Alyona and Nga, two people whose lives have been improved by accessing harm reduction services.
Виртуальное обучение на русском языке будет проводиться в течение четырех недель (24 Сентября - 19 Октября 2012 / 19 Ноября - 14 Декабря 2012) и будет предназначен для государственных служащих, представителей гражданского общества, сотрудников международных агентств по поддержки национальных ответных мер на ВИЧ.
The AIDS Forum, which took place on 9th and 10th July in Ukraine, ensured that the voice of people who use drugs could be heard in the region, and at the International AIDS Conference in Washington.
Harm reduction activist, Olena Kucheruk, speaks about consequences of repressive drug policy and human rights violations among the populations at risk in Ukraine.
Stephen Lewis, a well-known progressive Canadian diplomat, the former special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, held a very powerful speech at the AIDS 2012 conference in which he points out that an AIDS-free world is an illusion without ending the failed war on drugs - and drug policy reform is not possible without mainstreaming our messages.