Régulation ou répression? Le futur de la politique internationale en matière de drogues
L’Institut Renner organisera une présentation et une discussion publique intitulée « Régulation ou répression ? Le futur de la politique international en matière de drogue ». Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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On Thursday 17th, the Renner-Institut is organising a public presentation and discussion: Regulation or repression? The future of international drug-policy (“Die Zukunft der internationalen Drogenpolitik”)
- Moderation: Sebastian Schublach, Renner-Institut
- Keynote: Robert Lessmann: „Status quo and limits of international drug-policy“
- Michael Dressel, Coordinator for drug and addiction-issues City of Vienna will present the situation and experiences in the City of Vienna,
- Ann Fordham, Executive Director IDPC, will discuss challenges, preparations and perspectives of UNGASS 2016.
- Hannah Hetzer, Policy Manager for the Americas, Drug Policy Alliance, New York, will focus on the experiences with the new marihuana legislation in Uruguay.
Thursday 17th March 19:00, Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna.
Further information available here, in german.
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