Revisión sistemática: eficacia y seguridad de la marihuana medicinal en determinados trastornos neurológicos


Revisión sistemática: eficacia y seguridad de la marihuana medicinal en determinados trastornos neurológicos

7 mayo 2014

Este informe de la Academia Estadounidense de Neurología se efectuó con el objetivo de determinar la eficacia de la marihuana medicinal en varias afecciones neurológicas.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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This report by the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology was conducted to determine the efficacy of medical marijuana in several neurologic conditions.

The following were studied in patients with MS: (1) Spasticity: oral cannabis extract (OCE) is effective, and nabiximols and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are probably effective, for reducing patient-centered measures; it is possible both OCE and THC are effective for reducing both patient-centered and objective measures at 1 year. (2) Central pain or painful spasms (including spasticity-related pain, excluding neuropathic pain): OCE is effective; THC and nabiximols are probably effective. (3) Urinary dysfunction: nabiximols is probably effective for reducing bladder voids/day; THC and OCE are probably ineffective for reducing bladder complaints. (4) Tremor: THC and OCE are probably ineffective; nabiximols is possibly ineffective. (5) Other neurologic conditions: OCE is probably ineffective for treating levodopa-induced dyskinesias in patients with Parkinson disease, Oral cannabinoids are of unknown efficacy in non-chorea-related symptoms of Huntington disease, Tourette syndrome, cervical dystonia, and epilepsy. The risks and benefits of medical marijuana should be weighed carefully. Risk of serious adverse psychopathologic effects was nearly 1%. Comparative effectiveness of medical marijuana vs other therapies is unknown for these indications.

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