El Gobierno chileno autoriza un cultivo de cannabis medicinal
El permiso está destinado a un cultivo de 850 metros cuadrados y unas 450 plantas, y según la Ley 20.0000, es totalmente legal. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo. [More information in English is available below.]
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By Sergio Sánchez Bustos, President Latinoamerica Reforma Foundation
On September 8th the Chilean government approved the legal permission to the first cannabis crop in Chile for medical purposes to La Florida municipality. In this project our Foundation, Latinoamerica Reforma, has worked as scientific and political advisor.
The permission is for a crop of 850 square meters, and for a total of 450 plants approximately, and is totally legal, according to 20.000 law.
They will be growing for a study on cancer patients, who have pain and already are under treatment. The whole group will be 200 adults, and it is expected a long term, study of at least one year. The patients will come from Daya Foundation and from the own Municipality, and it is expected to improve their life quality, decrease the pain and vomits and nauseas.
This project has been made possible because the intense work of activists in Chile, who have allowed this historical step forward a new drug policy in Chile. Other projects are waiting to be allowed right now, and it is possible that in a few months they will get the permission.