Euforia en Denver: cómo se legalizó la marihuana en Colorado


Euforia en Denver: cómo se legalizó la marihuana en Colorado

22 noviembre 2013

Este breve video repasa el proceso que llevó a que el estado de Colorado decidiera legalizar la marihuana.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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This film gives you an insight on how the state of Colorado regulates the recreational use of cannabis.

The International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Denver provided us an excellent opportunity to make a film about the new marijuana regulation in Colorado. The law, passed by a ballot initiative last year, makes the recreational use of marijuana legal. But who can cultivate cannabis and who can open a legal store to sell it? How much tax revenue marijuana will generate? What can we expect from the federal government? We interviewed activists to find the answers to all those questions. Please watch and share our film!

By Istvan Gabor Takács and Peter Sarosi

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