Es hora de que Asia se sume al debate mundial sobre políticas de drogas


Es hora de que Asia se sume al debate mundial sobre políticas de drogas

16 julio 2013

Entre las personas responsables de la toma de decisiones en Asia se observa un cambio perceptible en lo que se refiere a plantear la adopción de programas de reducción de daños. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Drug policy reform used to be a topic avoided by most politicians. Now, however, there is a growing global consensus that the so-called "war on drugs" has failed. It has been ineffective in reducing drug use and it has reaped a devastating and counter productive impact on both human security and public health. Drug policy reform has now become the challenge policymakers can no longer hide from.

There is a perceptible shift among decision-makers in the region to consider adopting harm-reduction programmes for drug reform and control, write Asma Jahangir and Michel Kazatchkine

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