Cumbre sobre ciencia y políticas en materia de cannabis


Cumbre sobre ciencia y políticas en materia de cannabis

9 febrero 2016

La Cumbre del Cannabis 2016 ofrecerá una plataforma para que académicos, responsables de políticas y personas del sector privado discutan todas las opciones de futuro con respecto a las políticas en materia de cannabis. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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With California and other states likely to vote on full cannabis legalization, decisions made in 2016 may well shape the future of cannabis policy for a generation or more. At the same time, scientific knowledge about the effects of cannabis on its users, and of cannabis policies on cannabis use and other outcomes, continues to grow. Now is the time to bring scientists and policy-makers together for a thoughtful consideration of the likely gains and losses from pursuing one option rather than another. You are cordially invited to join over 350 highly regarded researchers, policy-makers and entrepreneurs for a two-day event on April 17 and 18 at the The Cannabis Science and Policy Summit.

The Cannabis Science and Policy Summit puts the following questions on the public agenda:

  • Four states now allow commercial production of cannabis, another 20 have medical marijuana programs. Where is the rest of the country heading?

How can you shrink the $40 billion per year black market—the largest illicit market—without swelling the ranks of cannabis users?

What can law enforcement and policy-makers do about impaired driving under legalization?

Will legalization have an impact on educational outcomes?

Presenters and hosts will include:

Mark Kleiman, Professor of Public Policy, NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management

Thomas Schelling, Professor Emeritus, Harvard & University of Maryland, Nobel Laureate in Economics

Rosalie Pacula, Vice President of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy

John Walsh, Senior Associate at WOLA

Alex Stevens, President of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy

The event will take place at the Graduate Center, 34th Street & 5th Avenue, New York and you can register online here.

More information on the event can be viewed here.

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Thumbnail: Wikipedia