
Results 409 to 420 of 444
21 December 2012
Uganda Harm Reduction Network conduct study visit to Tanzania

Uganda Harm Reduction Network conduct study visit to Tanzania

In November 2012, the Uganda Harm Reduction Network (UHRN) sent a delegation of three staff to visit the progressive harm reduction services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The study visit was coordinated and funded by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) and Harm Reduction International (HRI) as part of the on-going network development in Africa. Two IDPC staff also took part in the visit.
21 December 2012

Addressing the gap for women to access drug treatment in Montenegro

In Montenegro, there is a center for the rehabilitation and re-socialization of men who use drugs, but there is no such center for women dependent on psychoactive substances. Representatives of NGO 4 Life have called twice on the Government and relevant ministries to address this problem. Why don't they have access to drug treatment?
4 October 2012

The on-going under-funding of harm reduction

Despite the wealth of evidence supporting key harm reduction interventions such as needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) and opioid substitution therapy (OST), they remain woefully underfunded around the world.
28 September 2012

Amidst deep concern for Thailand's drug policies, some space for open debate

On Monday 17th September, 2012, IDPC together with the Transnational Institute (TNI) held a high-level seminar in Bangkok co-hosted with the Thai Ministry of Justice Rights and Liberties Protection Department to discuss and review effective legal frameworks for managing drug-related problems.