
Results 397 to 408 of 444
3 April 2013
Happy Easter? Some helpful reminders

Happy Easter? Some helpful reminders

Coming back refreshed from the Easter holidays, my eye was caught by two interesting, but rather worrying, items in my news feed this morning...
10 March 2013

IDPC workshop: Being part of the process

In February, IDPC held a meeting in the UK with some of its members to review its mission, vision and strategy for the coming three years, and to empower a group of individuals to speak on behalf of the Consortium at events and conferences.
8 March 2013
WHO recommends against international scheduling of Ketamine

WHO recommends against international scheduling of Ketamine

As a response to rising levels of use, particularly in South East Asia, the CND has passed resolutions urging member states to employ national control systems to restrict the use of ketamine to medical and scientific purposes within their own jurisdictions, but INCB fails to account for the broader health implications of its proposal.
29 January 2013

UN releases revised harm reduction guidance

The revised guidance provides countries with a more user-friendly framework of indicators and targets – including important new measures of the drug policy environment in which they operate.