
Results 337 to 348 of 444
14 November 2013
Cannabis in Colorado: The future has already arrived

Cannabis in Colorado: The future has already arrived

Amid much celebration, encouraged partly by the Obama Administration's decision not to hinder the regulation, provided certain minimum conditions are met, the conference also addressed many other unresolved issues on drug policy, not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world.
15 October 2013
Crack cocaine users: New data from Brazil

Crack cocaine users: New data from Brazil

A study conducted by FIOCRUZ, found that crack cocaine and similar drugs are used by approximately 370,000 people in the capitals and the DC, what constitutes an important health and social problem.
3 October 2013
INCB visits Singapore

INCB visits Singapore

Issues addressed included those related to the situation and efforts related to countering drug trafficking, legislative measures and administrative policies of drug and chemical control, issues related to opiate availability in palliative care, and the provision of drug treatment and prevention services.