
Results 325 to 336 of 444
18 December 2013
INCB vs Uruguay: The art of diplomacy

INCB vs Uruguay: The art of diplomacy

The INCB and UNODC statements on Uruguay cannabis legalisation were ill-prepared, politicised and undiplomatic, what is surprising due the fact that they were aware of Uruguay’s plan in advance.
10 December 2013
Human rights, harm reduction and you

Human rights, harm reduction and you

As Tuesday,10 December is Human Rights Day, the Blue Point Foundation reformulates its will to provide a range of services for people who inject drugs.
5 December 2013
INCB visits Panama

INCB visits Panama

The objective of the mission was to review the drug control situation in Panama and the Government's compliance with the three international drug control conventions to which Panama is a party.
4 December 2013
INCB visits Nicaragua

INCB visits Nicaragua

Deliberations concentrated on recent developments in drug trafficking and abuse in Nicaragua, the Government's cooperation with INCB, the measures taken by the Government to control narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and the chemicals needed for their illicit manufacture, and demand reduction policies.