IDPC explains how civil society has been excluded from the newly-created ‘topical meetings' on the WHO cannabis re-scheduling recommendations, and why this departs from recent progress on openness and civil society participation.
Santini et al. discuss how adequate and flexible funding is required to respond to the harms and barriers in accessing services experienced by sex workers..
IDPC urges the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to address the human rights abuses committed in the name of the criminalisation, imprisonment and forced internment of people who use drugs.
Pardal et al. present and discuss the range of cannabis social club practices in 13 European countries and their consideration in current policy debates.
This Global Fund initiative comprises a short-term technical assistance program, long-term capacity strengthening of key populations and regional communication and coordination platforms.
HRI provides tools to assess national harm reduction investment and spending on drug law enforcement in seven Asian countries and insights on the state of harm reduction financing by donors and governments, civil society and community representatives.