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19 August 2021
9th Symposium report - Hitting the mark: Ending the HIV pandemic by realizing rights for people who use drugs

9th Symposium report - Hitting the mark: Ending the HIV pandemic by realizing rights for people who use drugs

By HIV Legal Network On June 17, 2021, the HIV Legal Network held its 9th Symposium on HIV, Law, and Human Rights. This biannual symposium serves as one of Canada’s seminal events regarding HIV and human rights and offers an opportunity for education and networking among advocates, frontline staff, people with lived experience, and academics, among others. Focusing on the pressing issue of drug policy in Canada, this year’s symposium — Hitting the Mark: Ending the HIV pandemic by realizing rights for people who use drugs — provided a virtual forum for diverse stakeholders to share their real-world experience and for experts in the field to present updates on the current status of decriminalization, supervised consumption services, and safe supply in Canada. You can also watch the video playlist of the symposium here.