HRI present and analyses the findings of research conducted with and among people who use drugs, service providers, and community paralegals in Indonesia and the Philippines, exploring how COVID-19 measures impacted on their livelihood, security, health, and human rights.
Riboulet-Zemouli et al. discuss the scientific assessment of cannabis-related drug controls and CBD by the ECDD and political discussions at CND in December 2020.
IDPC, TB/HIV Care and ARASA demonstrate how drug policy reform is a sustainable development issue that African countries need to urgently address to achieve the SDGs.
IDPC, TB/HIV Care e ARASA demonstram como a reforma da política de drogas é uma questão de desenvolvimento sustentável que os países africanos precisam de abordar urgentemente para alcançar os ODS.
The Harm Reduction Consortium presents the first edition of the Global Drug Policy Index, which documents, measures and compares national-level drug policies against the UN Common Position on drugs.