The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction summarises 6 studies assessing key impacts and pending questions brought about by the legal regulation of cannabis in the country.
Jones et al. find a correlation between lifetime psilocybin use and lowered odds of opioid dependence, calling for further studies to determine whether this relationship is causal.
This briefing paper by IDPC and AFRILAW presents new evidence on the physical and mental violence faced by people who use drugs in Nigeria, both at the hands of law enforcement agents and in drug treatment centres.
Transform provides a summary of key available data on which to assess the effectiveness of the MDA 1971, covering impacts in terms of the criminal legal system, health and trends in drug markets.
Harm Reduction International provides an update on legislative, policy and practical developments related to the use of capital punishment for drug offences.
The INCB reviews the functioning of the international drug control system and includes an analysis of the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, particularly in humanitarian emergencies.