The proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Drugs and Infections Prevention in Prison, "Unlocking Potential: Making Prisons Safe for Everyone” organised by Cranstoun Drug Services on behalf of the European Network on Drugs and Infections Prevention in Prison, at Corinthia Grand Hotel, Budapest, Hungary, from 7th to 9th July 2005.
The Thai 'war on drugs', which commenced in February 2003 in response to an explosion in methamphetamine use in this region of East Asia, has resulted in thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of arrests.
This paper looks at changing approaches to the drug problem in Iran where there is growing recognition of the limits of an enforcement driven approach, and the importance of the medical and social dimensions of drug misuse.
This report looks at the approach to drug policy that has dominated the field for much of the past 40 years, and is sometimes characterised - and, to some degree, caricatured - as the 'war on drugs' approach.
The International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) is a thirteen member body of independent experts charged with monitoring implementation of three international drug control treaties known as the UN conventions.
This position paper describes the concerns of some Consortium members at the apparent policy differences emerging between different United Nations agencies, and individual member states, in the run up to the annual meeting of the UN agency responsible for oversight of the global drug control system.
This report tracks the history of the concept of organized crime and its metamorphosis into a 'transnational' phenomenon allegedly posing a serious threat to global world order.
In this letter to the US Department of State drafted in 2004, former UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa condemns harm reduction interventions.