
Results 3781 to 3792 of 3833
1 January 2006

Social and economic costs of drug use in the UK

The Home Office have published a research study called The economic and social costs of Class A drug use in England and Wales which provides a useful analyses of the wider costs of illegal drugs – the most thorough and recent such study available. The study, undertaken by York University, explains its methodology and has analysis which is very clear about it's limitations, giving a wide margin of error on all its estimates due to the unreliability of some source data.
30 June 2005

Drugs futures 2025?

This report does not offer predictions, but it does raise issues and possibilities that policy makers and others might wish to consider. Some are more speculative than others. As this report looks out to 2025 and future possibilities, it inevitably challenges current thinking.
27 April 2005

The public health and social impacts of drug market enforcement: A review of the evidence

This document focus on mechanisms through which police activities, occurring in drug markets, intersect with the health and practices of illicit drug users, the delivery of health care, and dynamics within neighbouring communities. The authors conclude with a discussion of the benefits and costs associated drug market with policing and alternatives to this particular approach.
1 January 2005

Beckley Report Number 10 - Treatment for dependant drug use

This report aims to give policymakers an accessible summary of the current evidence available on the effectiveness of treatment, and suggestions on how treatment services can be expanded and integrated into a co-ordinated system.