
Results 3673 to 3684 of 3833
7 June 2008

IDPC Advocacy Note - The HIV/AIDS High Level Meeting

From 9 to 11 June 2008, political leaders and senior officials will be meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to once again review challenges, and discuss what actions are necessary to achieve the objective of universal access to effective prevention, treatment and care by the year 2010.
7 June 2008

The Latin American 'Blue Ribbon' Commission

This high-level commission (co-chaired by 3 former presidents, and involving 18 members drawn from public life across Latin America), has been established to examine the development of drug problems in Latin America, and look for alternative policy approaches that are more effective in combating the crime, and social and health problems, that are associated with the drug market.
16 May 2008

UNAIDS statement by Susan Timberlake to the 51st CND on a Human Rights-based response to HIV

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is pleased to have this opportunity to address the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to seek your support in breaking the dangerous link between injecting drug use and the HIV epidemic. As measures to control drugs and measures to control HIV are critically intertwined, the steps governments take in drug control are likely to have significant impact on progress against HIV.
29 April 2008

NGO Statements to the CND Thematic Debate

Unlike in previous years, NGOs were successful in being granted access to the plenary session to deliver statements to the assembled government representatives.
3 April 2008

IDPC Advocacy Guide, Version 3

The latest version of the IDPC Advocacy Guide provides an update on the emerging process for the review of global policies on controlled drugs being conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.