
Results 3301 to 3312 of 3785
15 December 2010

Breaking the silence - In search for Colombia's disappearances

Breaking the Silence' highlights that the military aid that the U.S. government provided—and continues to provide—to Colombia strengthened an army that was responsible for thousands of forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions and has collaborated with, or at least turned a blind eye to, paramilitary violence that escalated as U.S. aid flowed.
15 December 2010

UNODC Report - South-East Asia opium survey 2010: Lao PDR, Myanmar

Combining the UNODC Lao PDR and Myanmar Opium Surveys, as well as information on poppy cultivation in Thailand from that country's Office of the Narcotics Control Board, the Survey points to rising levels of opium poppy cultivation across all three countries.
15 December 2010

The limits of equivalence: Ethical dilemmas in providing care in drug detention centres

For organisations offering health education, food, or even life-saving medical care inside drug detention centres, what are the limits of providing ethical care, without risking legitimising the system or building its capacity to detain more people? This report explores how organisations might weigh the risks and benefits of their engagement.
15 December 2010

Mission Report on state-of-the-art of Opiate Substitution Treatment (OST) and necessary supportive structures for scaling-up

The governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan decision to introduce substitution therapy programmes in their countries, despite the fact that the approach is new for the region and despite the position taken by the government of the Russian Federation regarding substitution therapy. Nevertheless, the main problem in all the countries of the region is the very narrow scope of the programmes.
1 December 2010

Red Cross Report - Out of harm's way

The report outlines the severity of the epidemic and the human rights violations routinely faced by people who inject drugs around the world. Amongst the report’s several recommendations are the decriminalisation of drug users, as well as access to due legal process and health services for those who use drugs both within, and outside prisons and other closed settings.