
Results 3265 to 3276 of 3785
25 March 2011

Достижение всеобщего доступа в Восточной, Юго-Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии — 2010: Перспективы с точки зрения сообществ, затронутых эпидемией ВИЧ–инфекции

Цель данного отчета — способствовать принятию обоснованных мер на глобальном, региональном и национальном уровнях, направленных на улучшение работы по достижению всеобщего доступа в сфере ВИЧ с учетом позиции и интересов гражданского общества.
16 March 2011

IDPC Briefing Paper - The heroin shortage in the UK and Europe

In 2010, observers of the UK heroin scene noticed signs of disruption in the normally well-supplied and efficiently administered UK heroin market. IDPC has been monitoring the situation closely, both in the UK and continental Europe. This briefing paper provides an overview of the European situation, describes the responses of authorities and users, and analyses its possible causes and future development.
16 March 2011

Australian National Drug Strategy 2010-2015

The Australian Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy has outlined the national drug strategy for 2010-2015, a framework for action on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
24 February 2011

Drug war anniversary - A time for reflection and action

Some anniversaries provide an occasion for celebration, others a time for reflection, still others a time for action. This June will mark forty years since President Nixon declared a "war on drugs," identifying drug abuse as "public enemy No. 1." Ethan Nadelmann reflects on the consequences of the war on drugs and the actions that should be undertaken to "break the tradition of denial".
23 February 2011

Drug policy: Lessons learned and options for the future

This paper examines why the vision of the architects of the global prohibition regime has not been achieved, but also goes on to describe the damage to human health and welfare that has arisen from badly conceived and implemented drug control policies and programmes. The concluding section lays out the broad options that policy makers face for a future ‘direction of travel’.