
Results 3241 to 3252 of 3785
19 May 2011

HIV prevention among injection drug users in Kenya and Tanzania

While overall growth in numbers of new HIV infections has slowed in most regions of the world, infections linked to injection drug use continue to grow. This trend has been most pronounced in Eastern Europe and Central Asia; however, new infections related to injection drug use also appear to be growing in East Africa.
11 May 2011

International Journal on Human Rights and Drug Policy

The International Journal on Human Rights and Drug Policy seeks to expand the current body of legal research and analysis on drug policy issues as they intersect with international human rights law, international humanitarian law and international criminal law.
28 April 2011

IDPC Report - 3rd IDPC South East Europe Drug Policy Network Meeting

The South East European Drug Policy Network held its third meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece in March 2011, during which participants shared knowledge and experiences from across the region, and identify common problems and key priorities for drug policy advocacy.
27 April 2011

The Obama Administration's drug control policy on auto-pilot

With over two years in office, the Obama Administration has had time to begin to make its mark on the government's domestic and international drug policies. This briefing paper analyses the modest changes that have taken place to date.
27 April 2011

Landmark study: Overdose deaths down 35 per cent after the opening of Insite

In the first peer reviewed study to assess the impact of supervised injection sites on overdose mortality, researchers observed a 35 per cent reduction in overdose deaths in the immediate vicinity of Insite (a supervised injection facility in British Colombia, Canada) following its opening in September 2003.