
Results 3097 to 3108 of 3785
14 November 2011

Mexico: Widespread Rights Abuses in ‘War on Drugs’

Through in-depth research in five of Mexico’s most violent states, Human Rights Watch found evidence that strongly suggests the participation of security forces in more than 170 cases of torture, 39 “disappearances,” and 24 extrajudicial killings since Calderón took office in December 2006.
14 November 2011

Painkiller abuse treated by sustained buprenorphine/naloxone

People addicted to prescription painkillers reduce their opioid abuse when given sustained treatment with the medication buprenorphine plus naloxone (Suboxone), according to research published in yesterday’s Archives of General Psychiatry and conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health. The study, which was the first randomized large scale clinical trial using a medication for the treatment of prescription opioid abuse, also showed that the addition of intensive opioid dependence counseling provided no added benefit.
14 November 2011

A cautionary tale: Plan Colombia's lessons for US policy toward Mexico and beyond

As the US government looks for ways to help Mexico and Central America deal with their crises of violence and organised crime, eyes in Washington turn often to Colombia. This new report dissects the Colombian experience of the past 10 years, drawing out human rights and strategy lessons that are relevant for US policy toward Mexico and beyond.  
14 November 2011

México: Generalização de Abusos de Direitos na “Guerra às Drogas”

Os militares e polícias mexicanos cometeram violações de direitos humanos extensivamente no esforço de combate ao crime organizado, e praticamente nenhum deles está a ser investigado adequadamente, afirmou a Human Rights Watch numa relatório publicado hoje.
13 November 2011

Tratamento de abuso de analgésicos por buprenorfina/naloxona

Pessoas dependentes de analgésicos prescritos reduzem o abuso de opiáceos quando lhes é dado tratamento sustentado com medicação de buprenorfina mais naloxona (Suboxone), de acordo com a pesquisa publicada no Arquivo de Psiquiatria Geral de ontem, conduzida pelo Instituto Nacional de Abuso de Drogas (NIDA), parte do Instituto Nacional de Saúde.
8 November 2011

ATS and harm reduction: Findings from a workshop in Burma/Myanmar

On October, 2011, the Burnet Institute and the Transnational Institute (TNI) organised an informal two-day workshop on Harm Reduction and ATS in Myanmar. The 35-40 participants included local representatives from drug user organisations and peer outreach workers from different regions of Myanmar, as well as international and local NGOs, and UN agencies in Myanmar.
7 November 2011

ATS e redução de Riscos: Descobertas de um workshop em Burma/Myanmar

O uso problemático de estimulantes tipo anfetamina (ATS) tornou-se um significativo problema de saúde e social na Este e Sudeste Asiático, particularmente o udo de metanfetaminas, o derivado da anfetamina mais potente e mais usado na região, conhecido como “yaba” ou “yama”.
7 November 2011
The State of Harm Reduction in Europe

The State of Harm Reduction in Europe

The film crew of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union attended the first meeting of the European Harm Reduction Network (EuroHRN) in Marseille, France. They interviewed professionals and activists from several countries to give you an overview of the current state of harm reduction in Europe.