
Results 2869 to 2880 of 3795
2 July 2012
Needle and Syringe Programs in Australian Prisons

Needle and Syringe Programs in Australian Prisons

Australia is known for having successfully kept blood borne viruses and diseases emanating from intravenous drug use to a relatively low level however, Australia has failed to provide NSPs in prisons, despite the prevalence of widespread injecting drug use within correctional systems.
27 June 2012

世界 毒品 报告 2012 内 容 提 要

本年度《世界毒品报告》第一章概述非法药物生产、 贩运和消费方面的近期趋势和药物状况以及治疗、 药物相关疾病和药物相关死亡方面的非法药物使用 后果。第二章从长远的角度看待毒品问题的特征和演变及 其主要成因。
27 June 2012


Глава I публикуемого в этом году Всемирного доклада о наркотиках содержит обзор последних тенденций и наркоситуации с точки зрения производства, незаконного оборота и потребления, последствий употребления запрещенных наркотиков в плане лечения, а также связанных с наркотиками заболеваний и случаев смерти. В главе II в долгосрочной перспективе представлены характеристики и эволюция проблемы наркотиков, а также основные факторы, способствующие ее формированию.
26 June 2012
EMCDDA Cannabis production and markets in Europe

EMCDDA Cannabis production and markets in Europe

In this detailed assessment, the EMCDDA brings together available evidence to provide a comprehensive analysis of what is known about the production of and market for cannabis across the European Union.
25 June 2012
Count the Costs: The Alternative World Drug Report

Count the Costs: The Alternative World Drug Report

A new report, launched to coincide with publication of the 2012 UN Office on Drugs and Crime’s World Drug Report, exposes the failure of governments and the UN to assess the extraordinary costs of pursuing a global war on drugs, and calls for UN member states to meaningfully count these costs, and explore all the alternatives.
25 June 2012
UNODC World Drug Report 2012

UNODC World Drug Report 2012

UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov today in New York launched the 2012 World Drug Report during a General Assembly thematic debate on the impact of drugs and crime on development.