
Results 2785 to 2796 of 3801
24 October 2012

HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: a systematic review with implications for policy

HIV among people who inject drugs (PWID) is a major public health concern in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia. The objective of this review is to examine risk factors associated with HIV prevalence among PWID in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and to describe the response to HIV in this population and the policy environments in which they live.
24 October 2012
Об оценке влияния ОЗТ на распространение ВИЧ-инфекции среди ПИН

Об оценке влияния ОЗТ на распространение ВИЧ-инфекции среди ПИН

В октябрьском номере журнала British Medical Journal представлены результаты систематического обзора и мета-анализа результатов исследований, цель которых состояла в количественном определении эффекта ОЗТ на передачу ВИЧ-инфекции среди ПИН.
24 October 2012

Policing in the UK: A Brief Guide

Neighbourhood policing and the Peelian Principles are the heart and soul of the British model. This is the aspect of policing that most people relate to and evidence points to increases in public confidence directly linked to visibility of police officers and staff. The Association of Chief Police Officers publishes a guide about how the police works and about which their principles are.
23 October 2012
Governing The Global Drug Wars

Governing The Global Drug Wars

How did this drug control system arise, why has it proven so durable in the face of failure, and is there hope for reform?
19 October 2012

Developing effective health interventions for women who inject drugs

Women who inject drugs face multiple gender-specific health risks and barriers to healthcare access. These gendered factors may contribute to elevated rates of HIV for this population. Though few countries systematically collect gender-disaggregated data related to injecting drug use, evidence indicates that there are large populations of women who inject drugs and who are in need of improved health services, including HIV prevention.