
Results 2761 to 2772 of 3801
21 November 2012

CAHR China Report

This report provides information based on visits to two methadone maintenance treatment clinics (MMT clinics), and three syringe exchange sites in china.
21 November 2012

HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users in Romania

A recent risk assessment in Romania documented an increased HIV incidence, increased hepatitis C prevalence, recent changes in injecting patterns (with more frequent injecting), and low coverage of effective harm reduction services.
20 November 2012
Factsheet sobre Drug Checking na Europa

Factsheet sobre Drug Checking na Europa

As estatísticas sobre o consumo de drogas estimam que aproximadamente 14,5 milhões de europeus já consumiram cocaína pelo menos uma vez na vida, 12,5 milhões experimentaram anfetaminas e cerca de 11 milhões já consumiram ecstasy. Actualmente, a panóplia de substâncias psicoactivas de uso recreativo disponíveis, com excepção do álcool, são ilegais em toda a Europa
20 November 2012

UNAIDS Report on the global AIDS epidemic 2012

The 2012 report on the global AIDS epidemic contains the latest data on numbers of new HIV infections, numbers of people receiving antiretroviral treatment, AIDS-related deaths and HIV among children.
20 November 2012

Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses

This report provides an insight into patterns and levels of drug use among the European prison population and examines Europe’s prison health policies and models of delivery of drug-related healthcare to detainees.