Publications from IDPC Members

Results 841 to 852 of 1041
1 December 2011

Youth RISE video for World AIDS Day

To mark World AIDS Day, Youth RISE has released a short animation video that highlights the vulnerability of young people who use drugs to HIV and solutions for mitigating the spread of HIV among these youth.
1 December 2011

Video Youth RISE para o Dia Mundial da SIDA

Para marcar o Dia Mundial da SIDA, a Youth RISE lançou um pequeno vídeo de animação que realça a vulnerabilidade dos jovens que usam drogas para o VIH e soluções para abrandar a disseminação do VIH entre esses jovens.
29 November 2011

Developing gender-sensitive approaches to HIV prevention among female injecting drug users

The project's goal was to implement the effective harm reduction services for female injecting drug users and improve the quality of female IDUs’ lives, as measured by their own reports. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance adopted an approach that recognized gender roles and gendered socialization in the drug using culture and in the society without reinforcing stereotypes about women or about female IDUs.
14 November 2011

Mexico: Widespread Rights Abuses in ‘War on Drugs’

Through in-depth research in five of Mexico’s most violent states, Human Rights Watch found evidence that strongly suggests the participation of security forces in more than 170 cases of torture, 39 “disappearances,” and 24 extrajudicial killings since Calderón took office in December 2006.
14 November 2011

A cautionary tale: Plan Colombia's lessons for US policy toward Mexico and beyond

As the US government looks for ways to help Mexico and Central America deal with their crises of violence and organised crime, eyes in Washington turn often to Colombia. This new report dissects the Colombian experience of the past 10 years, drawing out human rights and strategy lessons that are relevant for US policy toward Mexico and beyond.  
14 November 2011

México: Generalização de Abusos de Direitos na “Guerra às Drogas”

Os militares e polícias mexicanos cometeram violações de direitos humanos extensivamente no esforço de combate ao crime organizado, e praticamente nenhum deles está a ser investigado adequadamente, afirmou a Human Rights Watch numa relatório publicado hoje.