While every situation is different and Costa Rica presents several advantages that other countries may lack, its recent efforts provide an encouraging example of how reform is possible in this politically sensitive issue.
This short briefing recommends a number of overarching principles which should both sit within the new post-2015 goals and cut across the entire development framework.
Although a significant sector of the government has worked to solidify these advances, another sector within the state has gone in the opposite direction, trying to maintain the punitive status quo.
This policy brief aims to promote the realization of gender equality and human rights in terms of an effective harm reduction response to HIV for women who inject drugs in community and prison settings.
This article shows how Asian countries should learn from the Australian experience where police officers have a good understanding of public health and harm reduction.
This report provides insights into the unique vulnerabilities of women who use drugs and young people who use drugs, and provides recommendations to better serve their needs.
This Community guide was developed in response to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2013 Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV.