The AIDS Alliance India offers an in-depth understanding of the vulnerabilities to HIV acquisition among people who inject drugs in the states of Manipur and Bihar.
This briefing is designed to support those involved in the development of applications for grants for the Global Fund that aim at promoting comprehensive and effective HIV responses.
Penal Reform international provides in-depth information on global trends in imprisonment and also seeks to place these trends in a wider context, and then to draw policy recommendations from the discussion of the data.
The Institute for Policy Studies provides a new understanding of the growing ways in which those in poverty are disproportionately targeted, marginalised, and prosecuted.
As disposições legais atuais em matéria de estimulantes de origem vegetal, da forma que foram consagradas nas convenções da ONU, são desprovidas de base científica clara e precisam ser revistas.
The ‘War on Drugs’, has not only failed to achieve its goals – it is fuelling poverty, undermining health, but has also failed some of the poorest and most marginalised communities worldwide.
The Transnational Institute explores the assumptions and the facts behind the retail drug trade in Colombia and the responses that have been developed to tackle it.
This paper offers an overview of Myanmar’s current legal and policy framework related to drugs and outlines some international obligations and best practices.
The modernisation of drug law enforcement in Latin America can be a galvanizing force for changing the broader criminal justice system and perhaps show the way toward fixing a broken system.